• 8129647496
  • info@alarmoindia.org
  • Kerala, India

25th Anniversary event of atree at Indian Institute of Science

Participated in the 25th anniversary event of the organization atree conducted on 18th and 19th of August 2022 at Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru. This event was a platform for alarmo to present the game Scire Natura which was created to check our knowledge about environment. We could present the game at board game challenge and many people particpated and played the game with a lot of interest. The physical board game is given to  atree to present in future events. 

image during the presentation of game

National conference at Central University of Kerala

Represented alarmo at National Conference on Indian approaches to human resource and community development organized by Central University of Kerala. Apart from participating in the conference, Ms. Akhina Mohan presented a paper  ” A case analysis on how community development is connected with environmental conservation”. She included the on-field experiences during the implementation of project urava in the paper.

image from conference

Beach clean up at Kozhikode

alarmo joined hands with Sustera foundation and Bliss Garden & exterior to organize a clean-up drive at Kozhikode. On the 18th of June, we gathered at Calicut beach and started the trash collection at a small portion of the beach. It was so pathetic to see the beautiful beach filled with trash. During the collection few people from the public also joined us. Within two hours we collected and segregated almost 35 kg of trash. We are planning to continue such initiatives to use as a medium to talk to people about the need to change the behavior of trashing in the public space, especially on beaches.  


beach clean up at calicut

Chaupal 2022 the anniversary event of Goonj Kerala chapter

Participated in the chaupal the anniversary event of the organization Goonj, Kerala chapter. We represented alarmo in the event and participated in the panel  discussion on the topic of ‘ Let’s improve before we change.” The talk by Mr. Anshu Gupta the founder of goonj was an inspiring one for the aspiring change makers.

Naambu the climate assembly for youth & children 2022

We were able to attend the climate assembly for children and youth called Nambu organized at Trivandrum on 6th of June. The focus of the program is to ensure the involvement of children and youth in climate action. The UNICEF and Kerala Government were the main organizers of the event.  

image from program naambu

Climate Leadership program 2022

Our founder Akhina Mohan participated in the climate leadership program 2022 organized by Sustera foundation. The program held from 06th April to 10th April at Moozhikulam sala Jaiva Campus which is situated on the banks of Chalakudi river. The five-day offline event was so fruitful with discussion and sessions with experts from different sectors. Twenty-five young leaders from different parts of Kerala were part of the cohort. The carbon neutral lunch, model UN assembly negotiation, interactions with farmers from Parakadav padasekhara Samithi, stay in eco-friendly brick houses were the highlights of the event along with interesting sessions. The Sustera team put much effort in organizing this event which made the event a grant success.

group image from climate leadership program

alarmo at kanthari talks

The kanthari talks is the grant event at the end of seven-month leadership training at kanthari. kanthari is the international institute of leadership training for social change makers. The change makers share about their life story, the problem they address and their dream idea at kanthari talks. Our founder Akhina Mohan is a participant of kanthari 2021 batch. They performed their kanthari talks on 17th and 18th of December 2021. The event was live streamed and the video of kanthari talks is available in YouTube.

image of founder akhina giving speech at kanthari talks

alarmo at spread the spice

alarmo participated in the  exhibition “spread the spice ” organized by kanthari as a platform to interact with public about the projects as well as to raise fund for the initiatives. Social change makers from 8 countries participated in the event. Game as a tool to learn about environment was the topic chosen by alarmo. Two interesting games were organized in the stall. “Knowledge race” was a board game made of biodegradable materials  designed by our founder. The game can be used as a tool to analyze the awareness about environment and it can be used a study material for environmental education. Small kits of play materials for this game was kept for sale during exhibition. Another game a challenge to unreel the Kerala map covered by plastic by answering the interesting quiz about Kerala. The exhibition was held on 16th october 2021 at Jawaharbalabhavan, Trivandrum,Kerala.

To know more about “knowledge race”.

founder with volunteers,photo from spreadthespice exhibition stall