• 8129647496
  • info@alarmoindia.org
  • Kerala, India
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When Kerala was badly affected by the disastrous flood in 2018, I was actively working on relief efforts. From a youth initiative, an organization called Fireflies was born, which aims to encourage young people to get involved in social development. I became aware of people’s lack of environmental responsibility while working at Fireflies and afterward at Goonj, and I wasn’t sure what to do next. For leadership training, I later attended a course at Kanthari International Institute. My uncertainty throughout the Kanthari course inspired me to create alarmo, a nonprofit organization that aims to inspire young people to take action on climate change. I was very eager to work with children since I had seen their potential in my earlier roles in Goonj and Fireflies. alarmo is for protecting the environment for kids, and we urge the kids to become involved and take action.

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